Friday, February 14, 2014

CPIC Checked means more than building trust, it's about having a competitive edge over your competitors, if consumers have a choice, make sure they choose yours.

It's a fact, it's a "dog eat dog world" out there, so how does a typical vendor survive?  The most common answer is "do whatever it takes" great answer! but what does that really mean?
I think this means you have do more than everyone else.  Here's a quick analogy, you have 3 lemonade stands in downtown Toronto, all selling similar drinks, with similar cups, and with similar prices.  The employees even appear to look alike and the staff are chanting still advertisements "get your lemonade here, cold and refreshing".
A potential customer, strolling past the lemonade stands will first observe, and hear the vendors, and yes, they are thirsty. Which stand will they buy the lemonade from? Maybe the first stand, due to our lazy human nature? maybe the one with the nicest smile? maybe the one with the nicest personality? maybe the one who looks happy to be selling something?.. Who knows.  However if you see that one stand the has a sign and even shows you that they wash their hands and each lemons and they use new cups, Thats the stand where i will buy because i trust them, and know that they care about me. "I take 2 large please!"
Sorry to the long drawn out example, but this is why CPIC Checked was created.  To differentiate themselves from others by being transparent, which promotes trust and relationships.
Make sure that your place of business has been screened for criminal record checks, and show off this fact!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Who will benefit from the CPIC Checked program?

There are millions and millions of cell phone users in this world, and they on the increase exponentially.  Along with increase usage, these devices will eventually require repair. This is the reason why more and more cellular phone repair business are popping up at every corner.
Not only are we (users) are using the devices as cellular phones, we are using it to store digital media, professional and personal information.  We are using the devices to conduct personal banking transactions and online shopping.  It is no wonder, why we should treat our phones like wallets!
Personal devices also includes personal tablets and computers.
Ok, now that we understand how valuable and important our devices are, lets talk about who will benefit from the CPIC program.
On the Vendor's side, we have established a program to screen all participating employees for past and current criminal records.  These checks are conducted through an independent agency authorized by RCMP.  The initial Cpic check is done via fingerprinting services and subsequent annual checks are done through Cpic Name searches.

What is CPIC?  CPIC stands for Canadian police information center that stores and maintains criminal record information.

What happens to employees that have criminal records? is there a solution? Absolutely, Our associate firm FIPS.CA offers a pardoning service that can help erase past criminal records.

On the Customers /consumer side, we instill Peace of mind, trust and security, knowing that who ever you are dealing with and or turning your personal device over to, they can be trusted.

Look for this trusted sign

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Do you really know who you are dealing with? Criminals or non Criminals. Make sure your retailer has been C-PIC Checked (Canadian Police Information Centre)

Our very first post with CPIC checked.  We are a private "watch dog" organization that specializes in screening companies big or small, for criminal record checks.
How many times have you dealt with companies where you handed your personal items such as smartphone, computers, and vehicles and ever wonder, can i trust this person or place?  The scary part, is that more and more people are using their personal devices such as smart phones and tablets to stay in touch, take pictures, bank, shop, and socialize. Our devices have attached themselves to our hips, that they have a high financial and emotional value, and this is the main reason why you need to know who you are turning your devices over to.

We have created a system to keep retailers accountable and transparent.  This transparency creates long lasting loyalty to their customers and clients.
Our System requires all eligible staff (retailer) to be screened for criminal records past and present.  We understand that being transparent will solidify trust and develop an arms length relationship, which is ALWAYS EARNED AND NOT BOUGHT.  We have joined forces with FIPS Canada (fingerprinting and pardon agency accredited by RCMP).

What to look for?